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Philadelphia Flyers Digital Media

In Collaboration with the Philadelphia Flyers Marketing Team

As a digital media intern for the Philadelphia Flyers, I designed various materials such as digital ads for the Philadelphia Flyers website, short animations for in-game graphics, and t-shirts and logos for different events.

I also assisted the marketing team with creative concepts and social media graphics such as these pictured below. 


The graphics pictured here were designed for the Philadelphia Flyers to showcase the score during the Stadium Series game on social media networks. 

Wallpaper Designs


These wallpaper graphics were designed for phone and desktop for fans of the Philadelphia Flyers.


90's Night Gritty Themed Wallpapers 

Halloween Social Media Animation

This short animation with the new mascot, Gritty, was designed and animated to display on the Philadelphia Flyer's social media channels for Halloween. 

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